Sunday, April 6, 2008


I'm afraid many people call themselves Christian and are deceived because they said the "prayer" thing when they were younger. I know in my own life I thought I was a Christian for years because of that "fact."

Fortunately, God sent a wise woman who challenged me to test my faith to see if I did in fact know Christ. She suggested reading 1 John. I remember praying and asking God to show me without a doubt whether I was or was not saved because I was tired of "feeling" saved sometimes and not "feeling" saved at other times.

As I started reading 1 John, it gave strong litmus tests showing me very specifically things that were not evidenced in my life. I didn't "love" other Christians, I didn't keep His commands, I wasn't eagerly awaiting His return, etc. Lightbulb moment - I knew then that I would have been one of those who would have cried out to Jesus, Lord, Lord and He would have said depart from me I never knew you.

I'm so grateful for God's grace and mercy in opening up my spiritual eyes to my deception and realizing I needed Him as my Savior and Lord! So no matter if you said the "prayer" thing way back when, ask yourself if there is some spiritual inventory that will be reflective of a "true" believer in Christ.

Do you enjoy fellowship with God and Christ? Are you sensitive to sin in your life? Do you obey the Scriptures? Do you reject this evil world? Do you love Christ and eagerly await His return? Do you see a decreasing pattern of sin in your life? Do you love other Christians? Do you receive answers to your prayers? Do you experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit? Can you discern between spiritual truth and error? Have you suffered on account of your faith in Christ?
If you pass those tests, you can have confidence before God. Test your faith to confirm your relationship with Christ.