Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Out of ALL the millions of Mother's Day cards in the world what are the odds of getting the same card for my sister as the one she gave me? How hysterical - great taste Deanne! Oh, by the way I loved MY card!

My precious three amigos and wonderful husband took me out to Texas Roadhouse who I have to say has THE BEST rolls especially when you smother them in the cinnamon butter! Oh, MY! In addition, they spoiled me by cleaning the house - we are talking mopping the floor, vacuuming, dusting, dishes, etc. Somebody pinch me - did I die and go to heaven? My favorite was their handprints in plaster gifts they made - with the coaching of Dad. The last time they did that for me was 11 years ago. We pulled out the "old" and did the comparision to the "new." It was amazing to see the change of each of their precious hands.

For all the moms who are reading this I trust you had a wonderful Happy Mother's Day with your family!


Susie said...

How sweet of them! What a great idea to do the plaster hand prints. I've never heard of anyone doing that when the kids are grown but I love it! What a precious keepsake! Hubby gets an A+!