Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Having finished the NOGS(No Other Gods)/Kelly Minter study online with Beth Moore and getting ready to dive into Believing God on September 8th made me reflect on how much the body of Christ is blessed with gifted Bible teachers. Having fresh and new perspectives shown from their gift of teaching which help us reflect on life's issues that challenge us to examine ourselves against the Word of God on what needs to be given over, relinquished, repented from, surrendered, and broken free from in our lives. Not just for freedom sake alone but to be free to live the life God has purposed and planned for us for His glory. To recognize that fact alone is HUGE when you think of all the daily implications in a person's life that envelopes. My greatest desire is that I never fail to walk moment by moment with Him as the center. That I respond automatically out of the Spirit versus my own selfish desires. I pray that I continue to have a thirst and desire for Him and that I don't get complacent with mediocrity.

One of my favorite quotes from the NOGS study this summer is "He brought us out . . . to bring us in." We say goodbye to say hello. When we surrender our "idols" and empty ourselves, God is there to fill it!


Laura said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You are so going to love Believing God! It is life changing!
What God is calling me lately is seeking him as a child would in that looking to her Daddy to meet every need and knowing that he can do so!
Have a blessed day!

Luanne said...

Hi--Met you on Beth's blog--so we are Siestas, and also NOG sisters, too. You will be so blessed by Believing God--I did that study a year and a half ago. Wasn't the NOG study awesome? My god is worry and anxiety--and I am laying it down--but sometimes I pick it up again, and then I catch myself again. He is all about the process--thank God He doesn't demand perfection. God Bless!