Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sisterhood of the PVC Peeps

I am blessed for the many friendships I've made with my precious sisters in Christ from church. What an encouragement, inspiration, and testimony they have been walking in their faith walk with God.

For the peeps I've known for years it has been a wonderful life walk together through many different seasons of our lives together. We've been on the mountain tops and we have been in the valleys of life together as life as directed our paths in a vast array of directions. However, I am ever so grateful for the lessons I've learned walking in faith together and praising God for the highs and the lows with you.

Some of the peeps I've known for a short time; but I am amazed at how precious they become in your life in what seems like a blink of an eye! They have encouraged my faith by reflecting their amazing faith and trust in Christ through some amazingly tough trials in their lives that they face currently. Being able to observe and hear their amazing faith has been such a precious blessing during this time in my life! Isn't God wonderful bringing people into our lives to touch us in the different facets that we need a special word of encouragement, a special word of faith, or a "special" word of admonition?

So for all the "peeps" out there, I love you and I appreciate you tremendously! I thank God for bringing your walk in life across my life path. God bless you abundantly as you have abundantly blessed my life with your friendships!


Kathleen said...

Went to see "Mamma Mia!" today (fabulous!!!), and got to see the trailer for the new Sisterhood film. It promises to be a fun film too. Looks like the PVC peeps are rallying to see it as a girl's night out.

I'm with you. There's just nothing like peeps, especially the PVC kind!

Be blessed, dear peep of mine,


Stacey said...

Sounds like everyone had a great time at the movie. We had to go the next day because of other engagements on Friday night. Glad we all have peeps in our life to walk with!