Saturday, April 2, 2011

Session 6 - Email

I LOVED digging for the treasure in Session 6! Chiastic structure, inverted parallelism, and peripety took on a whole new meaning! God doesn't cease to amaze us does he not? Seeing the different levels of His word is breathtaking! It never gets old or boring!

In addition to studying the depths of structure in His word, we studied The Reversal of Destiny also known as Reversal of Fortune. Situations of this occur over and over again throughout the Bible and as we reflect on our own individual lives we can identify the moments that has happened in our lives as well. Seeing God's providence in our own lives and recognizing his "hand" on specific circumstances or situations in our lives emphasizes how truly precious God is in our lives. He is reliable, faithful, just, healer, intercessor, refuge, patient, merciful and gracious just to name a few of his precious attributes.

God bless you as you study in His word and search for areas that He would like to have apply in your lives!

I would like to encourage those who haven't been able to come to class due to work, illness, life, or whatever - to come back! You won't be disappointed with what He want to reveal to you through this study! In addition, we MISS YOU!!

Updates on the class blog are available at

Be strong and courageous - our God reigns! He will never leave you or forsake you!