Friday, January 4, 2008

Man, oh, Man

Wow, I tried to post my second blog yesterday and was interrupted at the very end of my posting. I was just about to save it and then "poof" it decided not to cooperate for me! The nerve!

I'm thrilled to have received my first 2 comments - I am an official blogger:) Watch out world - you don't know what you are in for I say in jest.

I am thrilled with the New Year - it's starting off great. I'm doing the Route 66 with my church, Palm Valley Church in Goodyear, AZ and we are reading through the Bible this year as a church family. I pray that God will just reveal himself in every way imaginable through his word so that I get to know him more deeply and intimately. Not only that I get to know him but also that it changes me to become more Christlike. I have a long time to make up for and I am thrilled at all the ways He has shown and revealed himself to me since I accepted Him as my Savior and Lord. He never stops to continue to shock and awe me! Praise you Lord!

I received an interesting e-mail this morning that started my day off with a slap to my face. My first reaction was a knee-jerk reaction and wanting to tell this person a thing or two. But, then God told me to stop - slow to anger - reflect on what this person must have gone through or was and is going through to be so full of anger and hate towards Christians. To give you background, I am on an e-mail mailing list and was forwarded an e-mail from that list. Well, there was a "wrong" e-mail address on that list and this man was forwarded an e-mail to which he took great offense. He responded back via broadcast e-mail to everyone on the list. We were all called red-state "Jesus loving" dips**** and had some other expletives he threw into his e-mail. I am grateful that I received his e-mail strange as though that might seem but it made me realize what a spiritual warfare we are surrounded in and sometimes as "Christians" we tend to isolate ourselves in our bubble and forget that people"hate" what they view as our intolerance or hypocrisy. My heart went out for him and I asked God to show the "e-mail man - P" - God's truth - not man's perspective on what a true Christian should be like. There are so many people who are deceived and call themselves Christians but have never truly committed to following Him as both Lord and Savior. I love 1 John - as it gives some great litmus tests to determine if we are a true believers so that you don't need to worry about being one of those who cry out to God when they get to heaven and say Lord, Lord and He'll look down and say I never knew you. Test your faith - get into the Word! Pray for "e-mail man - P!"


beBOLDjen said...

So not only will I be regularly commenting but I have officially begun to subsribe to your blog. That means whenever you post I have a site which keeps track of it for me... so i won't miss any of the action over here at your blog!