Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What a fun spring break trip! It was so wonderful to get away from it all and spend time with our family - plus an "adopted" son for a quick weekend away.

Unfortunately, it fell on Easter weekend but it turned out to be a blessing!

I had the opportunity to wake up early (5 a.m.) on Easter Sunday. Miracle in and of itself especially on vacation! Normally, I am in "relaxation" mode and choose to sleep in. But, God had other plans for me:)

Anyways, I wasn't sure we would make it to a Easter service and I was wanting to honor God for all that He accomplished on the cross. I decided to read through the accounts of His trial, crucification and ressurrection in the gospels. Starting in Mark, the impact of His agony prior to being betrayed struck me full force. That He was so terrified almost to death impacted me this time like never before. He realized what was upcoming, he was agonizing almost to death over what he was about to face and yet He "willingly" obeyed and told God the Father - not my will by Yours be done.

As Christ is our example of how we should we live our lives, it made me examine the sin in my own life when I choose to not do something that God has purposed for me in my life to accomplish because it is "uncomfortable" or not the path of least resistance. Yet, I reflect back on the times in my life when I have been down the path that "I" wouldn't have choosen and yet those are the paths I have precious memories of as I look at God revealing Himself in ways I never would have seen. What a deficit in my life if I was never to go down a path where I wouldn't have the privilege to hold His hand or never see Him revealed in all of His glory for answering prayers in very specific ways!

Thank you Lord for those moments! This Easter was by far one of my most memorable and precious ones as I was able to meditate and appreciate His sacrifice in a very special way!


Sherry said...

Wow thanks for sharing that. That is an awesome way to think about Jesus.

I am glad that you got to go on vacation! Glad to hear you had fun too!